CATEGORY: Consecration – Surrendering All to the Lord
NUMBER: New Song 366
METER: 10-9-10-9
JAPANESE TRANSLATED: by Hymns for Japan 2018/3/4
TITLE: My heart longs for absolute surrender
My heart longs for absolute surrender
That I’d wholly consecrated be,
Not in word alone but all my being
Would be fully given unto Thee.
There is little willingness within me
To place all I am before Thy feet,
So I lay my hands on Thy dear head, Lord
As the burnt off’ring, perfect, complete.
Lord, You are the only One who offered
Yourself without reluctance unto God;
Full obedience to the Father given,
Absolute, You sacrificed Your all.
As this One, You’re dwelling in my spirit;
Moving, spreading outward day by day.
There’s a whisper of Amen within me
In response to all that You would say.
解説: 「このような方」は3節の「絶対的に従順な主」を指しています。主の語りかけは、彼が私たちの霊という部屋から魂の各部屋に広がろうとしているドアノックです。しかし私たち自身ではそれに対して「アーメン」という能力はありませんので、”a wisper of Amen”はわたし自身からではなく、内側に住む主が絶対的に従順な方として、すべての語りかけにアーメンと言うのです。この節での詩人は決して「わたしはあなたの言うことにすべてアーメンします!」と大言壮語しているのではありません。主の頭の上に手を置いて、主と結合されたときだけ、内側の主が私たちと共にアーメンをします。
I say Yes and give You full permission
To touch every corner of my heart;
Break through all the barriers in my being;
Do not let me withhold any part.
’Tis my joy to give You all the ground, Lord;
Make my heart a dwelling place for You;
I want You to be at home within me;
Come and settle down in every room.
Lord, do cleanse my heart from all self-seeking
That I’d truly want nothing but Thee;
Let my soul be occupied, possessed, Lord,
That You would be magnified in me.